
African Fashion Week Minnesota

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Count down to AFWMN 2024
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meet Ilhan Abdi

AFWMN’s Lead Makeup Artist

more on Ilhan Abdi.

Tell us about yourself

Hello! My name is Ilhan, I’m a first-generation Somali American. I grew up in Minnesota and spent my whole adolescent years in St. Paul.

Tell us about your industry experience

Working in the makeup industry has been an exciting adventure for me. I’ve always been really interested in makeup and enhancing others natural beauty. My greatest achievement to date has been moving from starting my talents at home to having my own makeup studio.

What is your biggest dream

My greatest ambition is to carry on with my career in the beauty sector, grow my company, and hopefully open doors for younger females who wish to pursue careers in the beauty field. I’d also love to do a lot more traveling with my work.

What does it mean to be your own kind of beautiful

I always find that following your happiness and channeling your inner beauty and acting with self-compassion and kindness in this world will get you far.

How would you describe your fashion style

My style fluctuates, you’ll find me dressing classy, chic yet comfortable. I let my mood and weather dictate that.

Who or what inspires you

Being around like minded individuals who mentally stimulate me and motivate me to work harder.

What is your best piece of advice

Stop listening to other peoples advice and opinions on YOUR life especially when it doesn’t serve you.